Diet for loosing belly fat
Belly fat is major factor for inviting heart diseases and diabetes.normal waist circumference for men is less than 40 mm and for women is less than 35 mm if it is more than ideal it leads to obesity. A morning detox drink help you to burn fat and boost immunity and high protein diet is effective and healthy way to lose weight. High fibre breakfast may help you to lose weight and reduce belly fat.A glassful of warm water with half lemon with pinch of cinnamon powder is best morning detox drink.water is naturally free calorie drink ,3_4 litres per day is advised when you are on weight loss diet. Avoid high salt and added sugar as salt cause body to retain water around belly and cause bloating syndrome . Don't skip breakfast .For high fibre breakfast fruits smoothie are prefered usually fruits like apple 🍎 and Banana 🍌 and papaya oats,as they decrease appetite .The recipe of fruits smoothie is ...