Diet for cancer
Healthy lifestyle and diet plays a vital role in treating cancer. Few types of cancer people suffer mostly from carcinoma,which begins in the skin. Leukemia which begins in the blood and sarcoma which begins in the tissue.
Main causes are smoking ,tabacco ,diet and exposure to sun or high temperature ,and viruses and infections. Symptoms one should not ignore like sudden weight loss, fatigued, fever , change in skin appearance and mny time unusual bleeding and pain. Indiagation or difficulty in swallowing or change in bowel habbits.
Diet does not cure cancer but a healthy diet and proper nutrition is important to minimize the symptoms and improve life.
Avoid foods that are rich in sugar and salt and processed meat increases the risk of developing colorectal cancer. Foods high in sugar and low in fibre may related to cancer risk and also high blood levels of glucose and insulin are at risk factor.
Cooking foods at high temperature may also produce harmful componds. Over weight, obesity and smoking tabacco is risk factor.
Green leafy vegetables and fruits especially lowers the risk of developing Cancer,as they contain antioxidant and phytochemicals , include foods like spinach, lettuce , carrot 🥕 broccoli and cauliflower, flaxseeds which helps to reduce spread of cancer. Foods like cinnamon powder and turmeric and garlic and fish have cancer fighting properties. A proper diet includes plenty of lean protein, vegetables , fruits and whole grains.
Chemotherapy and radiation therapy when taken in large doses make patient difficult to eat , suffer from symptoms like nausea ,taste change and loss of appetite and constipation and many times trouble while swallowing. During such time alcohol and excess salt increases the chances of developing cancer.
Some key factors that can decrease a person's cancer risk are......
: Avoid alcohol and smoking.
: Follow a healthy eating pattern and regular exercise.
: Sleep well and reduce stress
Boost your immune system for cancer treatment . Avoid strong smelling foods and fried and spicy foods and sugar during chemotherapy.
Eat high calorie foods like milkshakes and eggs, almonds , oatmeal and green tea 🍵 and specially home made smoothies. Exercise is the key for healthy immune system.
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